I am Léa, 

Occupational therapist since 2019. Pleased to meet you !

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From my studies in France...

I studied in an Institut de Formation en Ergothérapie (official equivalent of Ocupational Therapy), which is where I obtained qualitative theoretical qualifications. This IFE is situated in the region Centre Val-de-Loire and is managed by french Red Cross.

These 3 years were also marked by diverse internships which brought me solid practical knowledge, which I will detail below. 


Psychiatric day hospital La Brière (Guérande)

Support of adults with mental health disorders

  • I created and implemented some group therapeutical activities
  • I developed my ability to analyse therapeutical benefits of a group or individual activity 

Obtention of my Occupational Therapist degree 


Academic interprofessional readaptation clinic of Ottawa (Canada)

Trip to Canada to support children

  • rich learning experience in terms of theory practice reflection (Occupational Therapy is very developed in Canada)
  • Professional rigor and method development
  • I got the chance to work with English-speaking childrens and their parents !

Rehabilitation Centre Bel-Air (La Membrolle)

Support of adults with neurological and/or physical consequences

  • Numerous and diversified follow-ups that improved my clinical reflexion and efficiency especially in terms of re-education. 


Psychogeriatric Hospital of Chardon-Lagache (Paris)

Elderly people with degenerative diseases like Alzheimer support 

  • Emotional management, calm and needed therapeutical technics to appease behaviors
  • Group or individual activities creation to preserve remaining abilities 

Medico-Social Support Service for Adults with Disabilities (SAMSAH, Tours) 

Homecare support for adults which allowed me to take action closer to their daily-life

  • Since then I've always preferred home intervention, real situation simulations and advice in environment adaptations
Beginning of studies

... to my time in Andorra

I worked in France for one year before moving to Andorra. This was a big change in my life, but was also a stimulating experience. By living here, I really love learning languages and the multicultural exchange. Let me explain how I decided to go freelance. 

Today I'm ready to offer to you an Occupational Therapy support plan adapted to your personal needs ! 


Start of my freelance OT cabinet

Today I'm taking a step into the freelance world. Why ? 

I did choose this to respond to personal requests in the most accurate way possible. Freelance is allowing me to be more autonomous so I can gain expertise to create personalized follow-ups. 


Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell

For some months I supported various people (from teenagers to elderly people) with intellectual disabilities, doing individual follow-ups.  

This has been a big adaptation challenge but I really grew personaly and professionaly by supporting such different people. 

I got the chance to develop even more my spanish and catalan professional practice

Daily centre of andorran's Red Cross 

I worked a few months with elderly people in a daily centre

My role was to create and implement group therapeutical activities (prevention of falls, cognitive stimulation, soft gym, reminiscence...)


Procedure for my degree's recognition 

I made the procedure to get my degree recognized administratively which took time. Today I'm officialy registered on the health professional's list and I've got the right to exercise occupational therapy as an employee or freelance in Andorra.   

Settling in Andorra and languages learning

I discovered the beauty of both the Pyrenees and Andorran's culture, following my partner. 

There I learned Spanish which I am now fluent in and then catalan, which I understand but don't practise a lot.  


Substitutions in retirement homes (Tours)

Starting by supporting elderly people really worked well for me because I felt naturally comfortable with them.  

During the first lockdown I really learned to adapt activities to the particular context in collaboration with the team. The challenge was to find ways to improve resident's dailylife in order to soothe their sens of lonelyness. 

Start of professional activity as an OT